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Periodic Table Elements Magnets, Multiple Sizes, Customizable, Science Geek, Chemistry, Unique Gifts for Nerds, Favorite Element Magnet

Periodic Table Elements Magnets, Multiple Sizes, Customizable, Science Geek, Chemistry, Unique Gifts for Nerds, Favorite Element Magnet

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Introduce a spark of scientific charm to your home, office, or classroom with our unique Magnets, each adorned with a vibrant Periodic Table Element. Perfect for chemistry enthusiasts or science teachers looking to add a 'proton' of personality to their space, these magnets make for a fun educational tool or a distinctive gift for science lovers of all ages.

Use Promo Code 'CHEM118' to get 15% off your order of all 118 element magnets!

Our magnets are designed to be as practical as they are engaging. Each one features a vivid, professionally printed Periodic Table Element, turning an everyday object into an intriguing educational piece. Whether you're organizing your notes on the fridge or adding personality to your magnetic board, these magnets make science a part of your daily life.

.: 2x2" - Porceline Rounded Corners
.: 3x3" - Flexible Rounded Corners (For indoor use, will have a white border)
.: 3x3" - Flexible Squared Corners (Suitable for indoor and outdoor use [e.g. cars])
.: 4x4" - Flexible Rounded Corners (For indoor use, will have a white border)
.: 5x5" - Flexible Squared Corners (Suitable for indoor and outdoor use [e.g. cars])
.: 6x6" - Flexible Rounded Corners (For indoor use, will have a white border)

Each element design is printed with precision, offering bright, long-lasting colors that will stand out beautifully on any magnetic surface. Ideal for anyone with a passion for science, these magnets provide not just a useful function, but also a touch of intellectual curiosity.

We understand that every science lover has a preferred element, so we offer personalization for these magnets. During checkout, please note in the Personalization area which element you want on your magnet. You can denote this by either the atomic number, the atomic symbol, or the name of the element.

Our Periodic Table Elements Magnets are a fun and unique blend of practicality, style, and education. They're perfect for adding a touch of scientific flair to your space or as a thoughtful gift for your favorite science enthusiast.

Note: Please make sure to double-check your chosen element before confirming your order. As these are custom items, we're unable to accept returns or exchanges for incorrect elements chosen.

Your choice of 118 elements:
Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine, Xenon, Cesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Lead, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meitnerium, Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium, Nihonium, Flerovium, Moscovium, Livermorium, Tennessine, Oganesson
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